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Small Change Challenge

Andrea Savard
February 9, 2023
5 min read

So many people make resolutions on January 1st – We can’t wait until then!  We want to get a jump on 2020 to kick off #mynext10years the right way!   People often have the best intentions and make grand, elaborate resolutions, only to drift away from them before January is even over. Usually the change is too big to stick to, or too much of a deviation from their current state.

We want to set you up for SUCCESS by making small achievable changes; ones that will affect your health now, and have a big impact on your next decade.


This is a 4-week challenge with a twist!  We want to help you make habit based changes based on YOUR individual goals.  This is NOT a nutrition challenge (although nutrition IS part of it).  It’s a habit-building system that helps you make small changes every day and every week that will positively impact your overall health and wellness.

We provide you with the first 3 habits:

1. Fitness: did you get a workout in? Target no more than 2 days off in a row.

2. Nutrition (what’s your measure of nutrition success?)

3. Sleep: did you get 7+ hours of sleep (total)

Then you choose the 3 or 4 extra habits you want to improve on.  Some examples include:

• Limiting coffee intake or adequate water intake

• Taking omega3’s each day

• Reading 10 minutes

• Meditating for 10 minutes

• Getting up 30 minutes earlier

• No phone or device in your room after 10pm

• Writing 300-500 words twice a week

• Walking the dogs everyday

• Making dinner at home (no restaurant meals)

• Hitting your macros / no sugar or sweets

…the list of small things is endless!  Whatever your specific goals are for your own Health & Wellness!  We want to help you succeed!

Looking for SIMPLE nutrition?  

We have joined forces with the #800g challenge to lead the nutrition component.  What is the #800gChallenge?   Watch here.

Eat 800 total grams (by weight) of fruits and vegetables a day, then any other choices you make over the day is fair game.  That’s it. Minimal tracking needed. The 800 Gram Challenge does not give specific targets in terms of calories, protein, fat, or carbohydrate grams. That is up to the individual based on their food choices.  No foods are off limits, however the better choices you make, the more effective your results.  This plan allows for imperfection, flexibility, and personalization.

**Note, to participate in the Small Changes Challenge, you are not required to follow the 800g fruits/vegetables plan.  You can use whatever nutrition program you are on (we hope you are working with a FirePower Coach), however we don’t discriminate.

How To Join:

  • Sign up for the Challenge at Front Desk or by visiting
  • Cost to participate is $75.
  • You will receive 3 Inbody scans ($75 value alone!) One at the kickoff, one at 2-weeks, and one at the end).  
  • You will also receive the habit tracker and access to a Private Sugarwod track for the 800g Challenge. If you are using a different nutrition focus, that's ok too.
  • We’ll host a webinar for the kick off to provide all the information you will need on Dec 22nd @ 7pm. Once you register for the challenge online, the link to the online meeting will be sent out by email on Sunday morning. Don’t worry if you can’t make it, we will record it and send it out to all participants.
  • Starting Dec 30th, each day, mark off your completed habits using paper or electronic version of the tracker. This will help you visually see how your new habits are building.
  • We’ll also ask that you send us a quick pic of your tracker results each week and let us know if there is any area where you may be struggling so that we can help you stay on track and build those habits into your regular routine.

Here's an example of a habit tracker (note I use a paper version myself)

Testimonial from January 2020 Small Change Challenge:

It’s early in the 800g challenge but I just wanted to say Thank You!!! I normally eat pretty well, am pretty self motivated to hit wods and no one loves sleep like me, but this challenge is keeping me accountable, which is 100% what I need. It’s ensuring I track daily.
I weighed in today and since my CrossFit journey 11 years ago have never stepped on a scale and seen it fall below 135 no matter what I do. I always waver between 135-139. I know weight is just a number but seeing 133 on paper definitely has me on a high. I also hit a power clean PR!
I’m extremely proud and happy of what I’ve accomplished so far and want to say THANK YOU for this challenge, for keeping up with the daily 800g posts on Sugarwod, for sending out messages reminding us about sending in our habit tracker, and for creating such an amazing community.
Huge hugs,Tammy

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